
I don't write much, but when I do I'm glad I can rely on you to stop by and read it.

1 Jun 2016

Instagram – taste the rainbow

Sad old Instagram logo and the new blank, soulless, Instagram logo

“… we must move forward, not backward, upward not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.” – Bill Clinton

4 Feb 2013


Icon fonts are great. Actually, icon fonts are *too* great… I’d love to slave away on one of my own but don’t see the point when talented people such as Daniel Bruce have already released such amazing work. While using the impressive web app I was shocked… *shocked* to discover that of all the social icons available,’s Alpha service was missing. Naturally I had to fix this.

This was probably the first time I’ve studied the Alpha logo. I’m generally a very critical person, so to maintain my sanity I tend to ignore things until I can’t anymore. I won’t outline my issues with the current logo, let’s just say that the requirement of an .svg for my webfont was a good opportunity for me to make a few adjustments.

I had no intention of redesigning the logo, I just wanted to clean up the bevels, widths, and alignment so it *felt* right. I’m sharing the result as an .svg file for everyone to use and abuse, chop and change as they see fit. Below is a comparison of the alpha logo and my changes.

alpha logos

Original on the left. My adjusted logo on the right.

You can download the .svg file from here. I hope you find it useful 😉

Andrew Nicholls

is a Graphic Designer, Front-End Web Developer and IT Consultant.

Available for Projects

Andrew is a Graphic Designer and Front-End Web Developer based in Brisbane, Australia. After graduating with awards, he set off into the world of print design. But it was pretty obvious where we were headed and following the release of our fancy pocket-sized super-computers he pushed into digital and web design. His focus is on creating new things that look and work great on mobile devices, tinkering away on the smaller details that make a project truly great. Follow Andrew on Twitter if you like Design, Web, Apps, Games, and IT. Follow him on Instagram if you like pictures of cats.